Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Turnbull Cove, Grappler Sound, The Broughtons, B.C. 09.05.2013

We’ve had long days on this journey, ie… 60-70 miles, this would be the shortest at 3.58 miles! 

Last night was so peaceful and quiet we decided to stay another night in Grappler Sound! 

Up slightly NE is Turnbull Cove which is a large beautiful bay with plenty of room and there was M/V Neenah!

Arriving at the head of the bay you can see a recent landslide or slide. 

All along the Inside Passage you see the hills and mountains are covered with dense evergreen forest.  These trees are actually growing on a thin layer of earth over rock.  “A heavy rainstorm can soak through the soil and lubricate the underlying rock.  Add a little wind, some logging activity, or even the smallest of seismic jiggles, and everything can let go.”

As we have been traveling through the Inside Passage & now The Broughtons we have seen swaths of bare rock sometimes all the way down to the waterline like in Turnbull Cove. 

Our 2013 Waggoner Cruising Guide has a great article written by Bob Duke who was actually anchored at the base of what became the slide, in Turnbull Cove, while they were sleeping! OMG!      

We set the hook in 40’ and ran a shore-tie line to hold us in place so Bruce could work using the satellite dish in the morning.  The satellite dish needs the boat to stay still so it keeps its signal. 

After lunch we rowed over to Neenah to say hello and then continued our row into the shore for a hike to Huaskin Lake. 

The Ministry of Forests took an old logging route and built a trail from Turnbull Cove over a mountain to Huaskin Lake.  The trail goes straight up the hill and then straight down to the lake where there is a float and a picnic table set up.  The trail down has a stairway carved out of a log that makes it a little easier to get down.  Yes it was a good workout. 

Upon returning to the boat Bruce went and caught a couple of cod for the crab pot (Good Luck). 

BBQ’d hamburgers for dinner then showers and an early night.

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