Saturday, September 7, 2013

Pruth Bay, Calvert Island, B.C. 08.30.2013

When we woke up this morning the sun was out in all it’s glory!!  So we joined Jeff & Gail for a morning of exploring the lagoon in their dinghy (it has a motor! LOL!). 

Here is some of the local wildlife we saw –


& seals
We pulled anchor and picked up our shrimp pots – once again we have success!  Tonight we’re planning a seafood pot luck. 

The journey south to Vancouver Island continues moving 25 miles closer.  With a break in the wind we could cross Queen Charlotte Strait tomorrow if not Sunday. 

Traveling south down Fitz Hugh Sound we decided to continue on through Hakai Passage into Kwakshua Channel entering from the north between Hecate Island and Calvert Island.  This will give us protection from chop found in Fitz Hugh Sound and will shorten our trip in Pruth Bay by a little over ½ hour. 

Entering Pruth Bay we set the hook in 40’.  This time we tried a 3:1 scope set to see how our anchor responds, neither of us were very fond of it. 

Set the crab pot out for an overnight soak not far from the stern of the boat, let’s see what happens.

We all motored over to VikingHavn to enjoy a wonderful seafood potluck of salmon, crab, and shrimp.

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