Sunday, September 29, 2013

Campbell River, Vancouver Island, Discovery Passage, B.C. 09.11.2013

What a difference a day will make! 

Everything was on schedule while we raised the anchor with hopes of making the slack at Seymour Narrows on time.  We were fortunate to have the current with us for today’s travel south down Discovery Passage which put us at the narrows 20 minutes early.  The water was nice and flat and the weather was very calm. 

Going through the narrows we shared the space with several commercial vessels and a navy ship. 


There are three different marinas in Campbell River, each protected by its own breakwater.  We choose to stay at the northernmost and largest marina, the Discovery Harbour Marina for 2 nights.  We got a slip very close to the head of the dock which makes it convenient doing our usual chores while we are here.  Our plans are to depart Friday to continue south. 



Campbell River is a good central location to run errands, and has good internet services for work and the blog.  We were excited to see at the top of the entrance ramps to the marina a good sized mall which has both a Target and a Starbucks! LOL!  I haven’t seen a real stand alone Starbucks (the grocery store Starbucks don’t count!) since Nanaimo last May!  Though Bruce will sorely miss Tim Horton’s when we leave Canada!


While doing laundry at the marina on Thursday, I looked up and saw our friend from the West Coast Work Boat Association (WWBA) Terry standing in the doorway!!  What a pleasant surprise!


Terry has been following the blog and knew that we were in Campbell River so he decided to come and pay us a visit.  Since Terry recently sold his fish boat Eagle Rock he has been looking to buy another boat & Campbell River was on the way to see a boat that was for sale.


His plan was to meet his brother and the two of them were going to look at an RV for sale (in addition to the boat) that was located nearby.  It was nice to both see Terry and meet his brother.

One of the evenings we were in Campbell River we decided to have “movie night” on the back deck.  The weather was wonderful and it was dark enough to be able to see the movie on our laptop.  We haven’t been able to do this so far this summer because as most of you know the sun stays out to late to actually see the movie on the screen if you are outside!

Tomorrow our plan is to motor into Comox or if the weather permits we will try and make it all the way to Nanaimo.

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