Saturday, September 7, 2013

Codville Lagoon Marine Park, Lagoon Bay, B.C. 08.29.2013

Codville Lagoon is a provincial Marine Park on the east side of Fisher Channel where Fisher Channel meets Lama Passage.  The narrow entrance is hard to locate but certainly worth it! 

We wound our way off Fisher Channel through Lagoon Bay, across Codville Lagoon Marine Park, around the south side of Codville Island and finally into Codville Lagoon. 



Along the way we dropped our shrimp pot and left it for an overnight soak.

We called ahead to Sea Witch on the VHF and joined them for nachos on their boat (as it was raining again!). 

Had a great evening of food & conversation.  When there was a break in the rain we finally made our way back to our boat.

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