Saturday, September 7, 2013

Ocean Falls Museum with “Normal Norman” 08.29.2013

The internet services in the “Shack”, which is a small community building on the dock at Ocean Falls was quite good.  I was able to enter a few entries for the blog – but cell service really was non-existent so Bruce had to break out the satellite phone for his office calls. 

We walked into town and enjoyed breakfast up at the fishing lodge’s café “Tuna’s Café” – the food was very good and we enjoyed visiting with the owner Randy.  He and his wife bought the fishing lodge last season & have been running the lodge during the summer season and returning home to Alberta each year.

While at the Shack, the gentlemen who manages the harbor, named Norman, came down to the docks.  I had read in the guide books that “Normal Norman” has a museum of collectibles that he has gathered over the years from all of the various vacant building in Ocean Falls.  I asked him if he would be willing to give us a tour and he said he would at 1:30pm.   So we got another couple who were anchored at the docks and we all met Norman for our tour.  It was really interesting to see what he has collected.

One of the collectibles was a “Perfect Egg Company” egg boiler from the late 1940’s that was found way back in a storage shelf in the old hotel.  It still works perfectly!  What a contraption!   

As we were leaving the museum the rain made another appearance so we decided to continue south to try and get back into the sunshine – hopefully rounding Cape Caution this weekend.  We’ll have to catch Bella Coola on our next trip through! 

We left Ocean Falls thinking that this small village was quite something 70 years ago, but has long since been left behind.  But still it is a very special to visit. 

Glad we made the effort and came here J.


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