Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Otter Cove, Discovery Channel, B.C. 09.10.2013

With great hopes of getting to Campbell River today, a 67 mile journey, we departed the dock at 7:00 am.  Going through the Blow Hole we entered Chatham Sound then turned south into Havannah Channel.  The reason for leaving so early was to gain the benefit of the tides.  So much for those plans! 

Everything was working “well” – Bruce considers “well” anything above 7 knots, until we hit Current Passage.  The fog thickened, and the tide just kept working against us.  At one 60 minute stretch we never got above 4 knots! Uggh! 

Over three hours of trying different ideas yielded us no progress.  By the time we got to Discovery Channel there was no way we could make slack at Seymour Narrows.

So we went to Plan B and have decided to hold up for the night here in Otter Cove and shoot for 10:33am slack tomorrow putting us in Campbell River at lunchtime.


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