Sunday, September 29, 2013

Montague Harbour, Galiano Island, B.C. 09.19.2013

After gathering for breakfast at Bill’s we helped put away the chairs from last night’s event then visited on the deck enjoying the sun.  Finally about 1:30 it was time to move on.

As we were leaving Bill’s and crossing the beach I noticed live sand dollars on the beach!  This is the first time I have ever seen them live!  They are actually purple in color!   The sand dollars are white if they have died and then ok to take home, so of course I had to take a few.

Hayden Pass, White Raven & Second Chance moved south for the night heading for Montague Harbor.  Ron & Lynn are heading home and then into Vancouver to visit a friend who is in the hospital so unfortunately they will not be joining us this year in Ganges for the WWBA Fall Rendezvous.

To get to Montague Harbor we headed south out of Ladysmith Harbor into Stuart Channel.  Then through Houston Passage south on Trincomali Channel and into Montague Harbor.

This is a very popular harbor and always fun to visit.  They have a nice store & gift shop and a restaurant with wifi on the deck.



The weather co-operated and we even got to spend some time outside in the sun.



While we were there we got a visit from Jon of M/V Penelope Isle, who rowed over in his kayak to visit.


We had a lovely potluck on Hayden Pass and enjoyed a lot of laughs together.




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