Sunday, September 29, 2013

“Reunion Time” at Princess Cove, Wallace Island, B.C. 09.14.2013

We left Nanaimo, motored through Dodd Narrows to the north end of the Gulf Islands.  Continuing down Trincomoli Channel to Wallace Island into Princess Cove where after 65 days we finally caught up with Ron & Lynn from S/V Contessa.

Since the sun was out, we all sat on the back deck, visiting and enjoying each other’s company. 

You will notice that Lynn is now in a leg brace!  When Contessa was leaving Alaska, her engine quit and they had to be towed into the harbor by a fish boat.  When Ron was working on the engine he pulled off the stairs that lead down into the cabin so he could get at the engine.  Lynn not knowing that the stairs had been taken off and were now only propped up (not latched down) was making her way down into the cabin and the stairs fell over catching Lynn’s leg in the ladders rungs!  OMG!  Painful!

When they finally reached Campbell River they took her into the hospital to have the knee checked out and she fractured the bone in her kneecap and pulled the ligaments.  Needless to say, Lynn is now in a leg brace, using crutches, and a wheel chair on land.

We had saved our last piece of halibut for just this occasion.  So we made “fish & chips” then played Mexican Train domino's until late.

It is great to catch up and swap stories of the past couple of months.

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