Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Kwatsi Bay, Mainland, The Broughtons, B.C. 09.08.2013

Upon leaving Echo Bay Bruce tried his hand at trolling for a coho, where Roger caught one this morning. L no luck. 

Leaving Echo Bay heading north through Hornet Passage we moved NE up Tribune Channel into Kwatsi Bay.  As we traveled in the upper corner of Tribune Channel we encountered a noticeable increase in logs/debris in the water.  There have been a couple of slides in the last week that have brought countless trees and debris into the mainstream channels.  Slides from Kingcome Inlet, Bond Sound, Thompson Sound and a hugh slide in Knight Inlet – all in the last several days!

Kwatsi Bay is absolutely a stunning anchorage.  This bay is surrounded by a high, sheer bowl of granite rock!  Absolutely beautiful!


Max, the owner of Kwatsi Bay Marina, came down to the dock after we had tied up.  Nice fellow, very talkative.  He explained how he raised his family here and how he and his wife absolutely love living there.  It was a very rustic marina but certainly worth visiting.


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