Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Ocean Falls, Cousins Inlet, B.C. 08.28.2013

After a productive stay in Shearwater, it is now time to move on. 

Because of the weather/winds it looks like we will not be able to cross Queen Charlotte Strait until Sunday at the earliest.  So we have decided to take in what is called the “Discovery Coast” starting in Ocean Falls.  This route will be protected from the high winds and will give us a chance to go up the Burke Channel, Dean Channel, take in Bella Coola in North Bentinck Arm and finally reaching Queen Charlotte Strait on Sunday or Monday to cross the Strait hopefully in calm seas.  

Today’s journey leaving Shearwater took us through Gunboat Passage, a little tricky in a couple of spots, but it cut a couple of hours off the passage.  We originally thought we would travel south in Lama Passage circling around Denny Island to head up Fisher Channel to Ocean Falls, but Singawing headed north through Gunboat Passage which was a much more direct route.  Gunboat Passage connects Seaforth Channel with Fisher Channel.

Bruce spent quite a bit of time studying the charts to make sure we had the right route through Gunboat Passage.    The range markers are the key to the western part of the passage.  The passage is narrow, windy in spots and has numerous rocks, reefs and kelp patches.  The water is very murky and has shallow spots to watch for.    

Heading north on Fisher Channel there is a lovely town at the head of Cousins Inlet called Ocean Falls.  When you come to the top of Cousins Inlet you see a community which is called Martin Valley. 


Continue on around Coolidge Point and you see the falls, which is the spillway from an old dam.  You then see a big mill – which is the old Crown Zellerbach mill which closed 35 years ago.  Inside the mill today is a small machine shop which employs five people.  The rest of the building is empty.


As you look at the town close up you can see that it’s pretty much a ghost town with almost all of these buildings in this small city empty and in various stages of decay. 

When you come into the harbor at Ocean Falls the tie-ups to the docks are on a first come basis and if the docks are full you have to raft up to another boat. 

When we were heading up Cousins Inlet we saw Singawing just leaving Ocean Falls so we chatted for a few minutes in mid-channel.

We called ahead to Sea Witch on our VHF radio and found that there was room at the dock just across from Sea Witch and Vikinghavn (which were meet both  boats in Rescue Cove).

During the afternoon we hiked up to the dam, waterfall and lake with Jeff & Gail from Sea Witch. 


And spent some time walking through the ghost town looking into some of these abandoned buildings! 

Walking down from the dam we met up with Tom & Adie from M/V Vikinghavn and they joined us & Sea Witch for a spectacular pot luck for dinner.

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