Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Lagoon Cove Marina, East Cracroft Island, The Broughtons, B.C. 09.09.2013

We woke to fog this morning.  The fog lifted and we left early afternoon so that we could see the debris from the slides in the water.

Coming down Tribune Channel’s east side to Knights Inlet, around Minstrel Island down Clio Channel and around into Cracroft Inlet to Lagoon Cove on East Cracroft Island.  We dodged several large debris fields chuck full of trees and stumps all along our travels today.  We have never seen so much crap in the water! 


Pat & Bob, the caretakers at the Lagoon Cove Marina, met us at the dock and really made us feel welcome.  They had ice, hot showers, internet, and gave us a big bowl of prawns for our “happy hour”. 


The entire property is basically open for the guests to walk around.  The internet is hard-wired in an area of the old workshop building.  And in the yard up behind the house there is a totem pole made of old motor parts and exercise stations set up  - one station is a place to chop wood!  Another is where you can push the hand mower and mow the lawn! LOL!  They even have an adult swing set (how silly)!


While we were getting set to fill our water tanks and dragging the hose down around the docks, the hose had gotten caught in between the planks and as I was reaching down to get the hose uncaught Bruce made a great pull on the hose to get it to go around the corner of the dock and you guessed it – the hose came around and dragged me into the water! OMG LOL!  Boy was the water cold! 

It was a good thing Bruce was there to pull me out and back onto the dock as it was a long way back up to the dock and no ladder in site!

Needless to say I made a quick trip into the showers!  I am so glad they had hot water on demand! LOL!

Pat & Bob really made us feel welcome and even though the season was over we still had a wonderful time.  What a nice place to stop.  If we get this way again we will definitely come back here!

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