Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Port McNeill, Vancouver Island, B.C. 09.02.2013

This would fit the definition of leaving early – at 5:00am we raised anchor. IN THE DARK! 

Set out to round Cape Caution looking to catch the flood tide down Queen Charlotte Strait. 

Heading south out of Rivers Inlet into Queen Charlotte Strait, through Gordon Channel, continuing south through Christie Passage past God’s Pocket, down Broughton Strait (at the south end of Malcolm Island) and into Port McNeill.

Flat calm waters, good speed, all combined saved 1 hour off the 67 mile run.  So leaving in the dark worked – but we both agree that we are not comfortable traveling in the dark and probably would not do it again if we have a choice. 

Tucked in safely at the Port McNeill Fuel Dock & Marina where Steve met us at the dock.  We will do the usual chores and work stuff while we’re here. 

Plans now are to leave on Wednesday for The Broughtons!

Once we get into The Broughtons, I anticipate that we will not have access to free internet so our blog will probably go dark for about a week while we are there. 
See you all soon!

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