Sunday, September 29, 2013

James Bay & Annette Inlet, Prevost Island, B.C. 09.17.2013

Spoke with Steve from M/V White Raven this morning and they hope to reach north Prevost Island by noon. 

We all left our anchorage and headed south down Trincomali Channel to catch up with them. 

By lunchtime we were all together on north Prevost Island in James Bay.  Steve & Karen have Steve’s brother Jim and his wife Katherine visiting from California.  They are a lot of fun and we are all looking forward to spending time together as a group. 


Hugs all around & then we went for a hike where a sheep trail takes you out to the north point. 

As an anchorage James Bay is open to the full fetch of Trincomali Channel to the NW and so we choose to move the boats over to Ron’s favorite bay for the night, which is Annette Inlet. 

This inlet is protected from all-weather and can be quite shallow in some areas so you have to pay attention to your depth sounder.  The setting here is very peaceful and just begs for a relaxing afternoon.

This evening we had a pot luck on Contessa.  It was certainly nice to all be together and sharing stories of the summer. 

Tomorrow we are off to Bill’s from M/V Lady Allysha for a pre-rendezvous BBQ in the morning.  We expect to be at Bill’s two nights.

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