Monday, September 9, 2013

Duncanby Landing and West Home Bay, Rivers Inlet, B.C. 09.01.2013

This morning the fog was pretty thick for the first 1/3 of the 30 mile journey. 

Because we changed our plans and did not take on fuel in Bella Coola, our fuel was running too low to comfortably cross Queen Charlotte entrance. 

So to take on fuel we headed east on Kwakshua Channel, then south on Fitz Hugh Sound, up the head of Rivers Inlet into Duncanby Landing.

At Duncanby Fishing Lodge and purchased 200 liters (50 gallons) for a good cushion.

I think we paid more for fuel here than anywhere else in all of our boating years!! LOL!  But at least we have enough fuel to motor to Port McNeill and we will fill up the rest of the way when we are there.

It was a good thing that we went to Duncanby today because tomorrow they will be closed for the rest of the year!  All of our guide books said that they would be open til mid-September. 

Always good to have a back up plan.

For lunch we anchored in Home Bay which is just around the point on the south shore from Duncanby.  We anticipated the bay to be quite crowded because Big Springs Resort, which was built on a former ferry barge for rail cars, was supposed to be in the head of the bay.  But when we got into Home Bay there the resort was no longer there.  All that was left was a reminent of the barge and an old fish boat that was wreaked on the rocks at the head of the bay!

In the evening moved into a smaller bay right next door named West Home Bay and set for the night in 19’ between two treed islets. 

We choose this anchorage as it was recommended in our Douglas Guide Book.
Tomorrow we'll cross Queen Charlotte Strait and head into Port McNeill.

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