Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Sullivan Bay, North Broughton Island, The Broughtons, B.C. 09.06.2013

The shore tie worked and use of the satellite improved because of it. 

After breakfast we picked up the crab pot, 5 crab with 2 hanging on the outside of the pot!  Unfortunately all females!  It’s late in the season and that seems to be all that’s left. 

We took a short 5.8 mile run heading south down Grappler Sound, taking Patrick Passage around Atkinson Island and headed into Sullivan Bay. 

This is a very picturesque marina all built on floats! Each of the docks have names like street names and the docks are in wonderful condition.  Chris met us at the dock shortly after we tied up and we met Debbie in the general store.  There are some privately owned float homes at the far end of the docks – all are very nice.


The trip over was very peaceful, however, we seem to be the only boat willing to stop here for the night.  Neenah and the other boats we saw in Turnbull Cove have all stopped here to get fuel and/or supplies but they have all moved on for the evening.  The restaurant is now closed for the season and the supplies are quite limited in the general store.

We fear that all future marina stops will be like this going forward. 

Again we set the shrimp & crab pots hoping for some seafood. 

For tonight it will be Thai Chicken!  Yummy!

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