Thursday, August 29, 2013

Fiordland, Kynoch Inlet/Culpepper Lagoon, 08.24.2013

Retrieving both our crab & shrimp pots produced no food this morning.  Not really surprised as late last night we saw a commercial crabber come pick up his numerous pots at the head of the bay. 

All we caught were three different types of starfish and one female crab that had to go back! LOL!

We moved on this morning rounding Mathieson Point and headed south down Mathieson Channel.  The weather was pleasant as we entered the Fiordlands of the BC west coast. 

The Fiordland Recreation Area was established in 1987 with sheer beautiful mountains.  Very much like the Misty Fiords of Alaska.

Upon entering Kynoch Inlet there is beautiful Kynoch Waterfall.  Like in Alaska, we dropped Ronnie off in the dingy while Bruce ran the boat past.  Some great photos were taken.  (I love this camera!)

There are a lot of waterfalls all along the Fiordland, with black granite mountains with bowl basins!  Very beautiful!

At the head of the inlet we set in 100’ to wait for the 4:00pm high tide to visit Culpepper Lagoon. 

There is a 2’ bar across the Culpepper Lagoon entrance at low tide, high tide gave us 17’ of clearance.  After a run through the narrows into the lagoon, we where joined by 2 Dall porpoises that swam along side the boat for awhile, then we came back out and set in 100’ again for the night.  All of our rode line is out for the night. 

Sleep well!

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