Thursday, August 8, 2013

Fitzgibbon Cove 08.04.2013

After breakfast we rowed into shore to go for a hike on an old logging road.  Lots of “fresh evidence” of bear on the road but we did not actually see one while on our hike (thank goodness!).

We have been experimenting using the tripods we have for our cameras.  We received a tripod as a Christmas gift from my brother John & his girlfriend Teresa so we could both be in the pictures.  We also have a larger tripod from the camera gear on loan from our oldest daughter Shelly and her husband Nick. 


At the waterfall we saw fish on the fish-finder so Bruce spent 15 minutes fishing and did keep a rock fish to use as bait for our prawn trap we plan on setting tomorrow in Saks Cove.

Next we ventured north into Hassler Pass at the head of Behm Narrows to what we thought would be the Bell Island Hot Springs Resort to hopefully take in a soak and some lunch at the resort.  When we arrived there we found it was not an active business anymore; instead looking more like an episode of the Twilight Zone!  All the buildings were abandoned, one actually had collapsed!  The dock was too dilapidated to step onto so we didn’t even go ashore!

Next we moved southeast continuing through Behm Narrows around Point Whaley heading south to our anchorage for the night at Fitzgibbon Cove. 
Once again, a beautiful spot and we are the only boat! 

Go figure. 
Looking forward to more exploring tomorrow.

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