Thursday, August 8, 2013

Naha Bay, Revillagigedo Island, Behm Canal 08.01.2013

We begin our final week of exploring SE Alaska by heading into Behm Canal and the Misty Fiords.  There are several bays we wish to visit while working our way north up the west side of Revillagigedo Island and then south continuing down Behm Canal along the east side of the island and down into the Misty Fiords National Monument Wilderness.  We will end up in the SE corner of Alaska and cross into Canada about seven days from now. 

It was a nice visit in Ketchikan, got a lot of work done, learned the bus routes extensively, and found some time to relax. 

Today we journeyed to Naha Bay which is where the village of Loring is located.  Loring is an early fish cannery site which now just has the remains and the ruins of an old wharf out from the shore of the village.  There are a few private residences now located here but no real dock for stopping in the village.  The journey to this anchorage was beautiful and uneventful giving us time to drift and have lunch on the back deck. 

We’ve anchored in 50’ of water in a very small bay north behind Dogfish Island.  It’s rather a small one boat bay and should be a nice spot for the evening, we’ll see.



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