Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Butedale, Princess Royal Island 08.22.2013

While Bruce was cooking breakfast burritos a crew transport vessel came to pick up Luke to head back into Kitimat.

A barge also arrived to drop off some logging equipment and a new truck. 


While the operators were delivering the equipment they broke a hydraulic line.  So they came aboard M/V Ocean Explorer I and had breakfast.  All nice people.

Once breakfast was over we left the bay to catch up with Sea Chalet. 

It was a pleasant run down Ursula Channel where we saw a lot of whales!  We caught up with Sea Chalet where they were fishing at Kingcome Point, which is located where McKay Reach and Fraser Reach meet up with Ursula Channel. 

Continuing south together on the Inside Passage of Princess Royal Channel, we motored down Frazer Reach and briefly stopped at the old cannery site in Butedale, on Prince Royal Island, which unfortunately is very rundown.

We spent time visiting with the caretaker, Lou, and his sister who was visiting from Kitimat. 

Took a tour of the powerhouse which brings electricity to the house.  “Lou connected a 115 amp 12-volt alternator to one of the old turbines.  A V-belt runs from the rotating turbine to a countershaft mounted on pillow blocks.  A second V-belt connects a large pulley on the countershaft with a small pulley on the alternator, which turns over at 1200 to 1400 rpm.”  The alternator charges the batteries in the powerhouse and the inverter provides power to his satellite dish from one of the batteries Lou is charging.  Lou carries the fully charged battery down to the house and connects it there to his TV and Sirus satellite radio.  No electric bill!


Lou tells us that a new group of investors purchased the property last year and were supposed to start work on the place this summer – but they haven’t shown up yet this year.  We hope they do as it would be a shame for this all to revert back to nature and all this history to be lost.

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