Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Baker Inlet via Watts Narrows 08.15.2013

A short “hop” south, still on Grenville Channel, we went through Watts Narrows and into tonight’s stay in Baker Inlet. 

Going through Watts Narrows was really something.  Old-growth trees line the shore right to the water.  The channel is very windy and visibility along the channel is very limited so we announced our entrance into the narrows on the VHF radio and sounded our horn to alert other boaters of our position – in case there was an opposing boat.

The narrows are about 200’ wide and at it’s shallowest is 10 fathoms (60’).  It’s best to go through the narrows at slack water and stay in mid-channel throughout passage.


Once through the narrows, you arrive at Baker inlet.  What a beautiful place!  Mostly second-growth trees line the entire inlet with beautiful glacier-scarred slopes.


Anchoring at the head of the bay in 70’ of water (we’re old hats at this now!), we settled in, again being the only vessel here. 

As we had rained off and on (mostly on) it gave us an excuse for a very quite afternoon where we enjoyed baked salmon in the oven for dinner.

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