Thursday, August 8, 2013

Roosevelt Lagoon, Naha Bay 08.02.2013

After having  another fabulous crab scramble for breakfast, we rowed over the tiderace/bar

to Roosevelt Lagoon where there is a state maintained dock at the trail head.  There we met Scott and Gail who are retired Park Service Rangers from the State of Utah.  Scott was a federal ranger while Gail worked for the state.  They now split their time between Ketchikan and Utah.

We hiked along the north side of Roosevelt Lagoon.  The trail is made up of short runs of boardwalk, gravel paths and a mud trail.  We were unable to see any trumpeter swans which are noted to be here.  They are now endangered, with their numbers dwindling because they are very sensitive to any disruption in the environment.

We did see evidence of bear and a wolf footprint in the mud – but nothing up close.

After visiting some more with Scott and Gail we rowed back to Second Chance and got underway.

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