Thursday, August 8, 2013

Klu Bay, Shrimp Bay, Revillagigedo Island, Behm Canal 08.03.2013

It was a day of exploring bays before we settled for the night. 

There is so much we want to see while in this area! 

We started by crossing the Behm Canal and going into Spacious Bay.  It was interesting the amount of lumber on the beaches the logs were bleached almost pure white. 

Next we ventured into Yes Bay with the intension of stopping at the fishing lodge for lunch – but they turned us away!  They did not want us to tie up to their dock & suggested we anchor in the bay about a quarter of a mile away and row back in on our dinghy.  When we told them we wanted to come in for lunch their response was that it was late for lunch – it was only 12:50pm AK time!  Not a very friendly place – so we decided to move on.

Next we ventured down Gedney Pass into Shrimp and then Klu Bays.  From what was said in the Douglas book we had expected to be among several boats and were we shocked to be the only vessel here!  Talk about a quiet anchorage – wow!  We set the hook in 80’ – our deepest anchorage yet.  Glad we changed and added more rode. 

Bruce tried his hand at fishing but caught nothing to keep.   

We spent a nice and quiet evening.

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