Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Prince Rupert, Canada 08.11.2013

Returning to Canada today was like a trip we had earlier this year on the Straits of Juan de Fuca.  All day FOG! 

When Bruce got up this morning at 5:00am AK time he noticed that the fog was accumulating at the entrance to the bay.  Rather than run the risk of leaving with very poor visibility, Bruce raised the crew (me), and we raised the anchor at 5:30am AK time to begin the crossing of Dixon Entrance. 

While pulling the anchor, we were able to let both Katmai and Barbie M know we were setting out early.  So slowly the three of us motored out of the bay. 

As we were leaving sailing vessel Mom hailed us on the VHF radio saying her goodbyes and sent off Katmai & Barbie M with big soap bubbles!  Kate is such a kidder! Who gets up at 5:30am to send someone off with soap bubbles?!? LOL!

As Katmai does not have radar, she followed us very closely through the fog for the entire trip into Prince Rupert.  Barbie M does have radar but has a very poor GPS system on their boat so we they monitored our radio traffic with Katmai throughout the day.


The fog continued to build so the entire day was spent with visibilities of 1/8-1/4 miles – ugh!  The most difficult leg being the final mile in Venn Passage as there was a lot of small boat traffic and narrow lanes. 

Once again we are at the Prince Rupert Rowing & Yacht Club in Cow Bay Canada for a few nights to work and do chores. 

The weather here in Prince Rupert is a lot more pleasant than our last visit 64 days ago.

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