Thursday, August 8, 2013

Return to Ketchikan! 08.07.2013

This morning at 5:00AM AK time Bruce was trying to connect to the satellite system to work but was unable to.  It appears that the battery that has been giving him trouble the last couple of mornings has finally bit the dust.  We looked at the charts and Ketchikan is closer than Prince Rupert, Canada so we made the decision to head back to Ketchikan and get a new battery overnighted by FedEx to us.  We figure it will be much faster to have the battery shipped to Alaska then try and get it sent to Canada via International Shipping.

Leaving Shoalwater Pass this morning at 5:30am AK time the water at the entrance bar was still high enough to get over.  If we waited much longer we would not have enough water in the narrows to get out of the bay and would have to wait to leave until this afternoon.

This morning it was foggy.  Bruce is happy to have the added safety of his new radar overlay feature on the chart plotter!  I must admit – it does make navigating in fog much easier as it takes a lot of the guess work out identifying what marks belong to land and which are in open water.



We had planned to take in the final of the three fiords, Smeaton Bay, today.  With the fog so heavy we would have had to wait until this afternoon to see the fiord anyway.  So we’re off to Ketchikan, back where we began 7 days ago.

We’ll keep you posted….

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