Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Chores while in Ketchikan, AK 08.07 - 08.10.2013

Well we finally got the replacement battery by overnight delivery.  In Alaska “overnight” delivery means a minimum “2-days” and that is considered great service!  Fortunately while we waited in Ketchikan for the replacement battery to arrive, we were able to connect to the internet with our Sprint Hotspot and local internet cafes to work without any trouble.

When we were in the local Ketchikan McDonalds using their WiFi we ran into one of the boats from the docks, Katmai.  When chatting we realized that we saw Katmai when we were heading south on Behm Canal leaving the Hot Springs.  They were traveling north and they have their back deck fully enclosed in canvas and screening.  We had a lot of fun comparing our journeys & hope to see them out on the water.

So while in Ketchikan we took care of some chores – change the oil in the boat, laundry, shopping, runs to the hardware store & marine supply store and organizing our supplies remaining on the boat. 

One of the things that Bruce did while we were in town was to install a Watercounter.  Several years ago, at the Seattle Boatshow, Bruce purchased a water counting meter that you install in the water line which monitors the water flow going through the pressure side of the water pump.  As the water goes through the water pump it keeps track of how much water you have used – therefore letting us know how much water is left in the tanks before we run out.   This will certainly help with the decision as to whether there is enough water to take a shower before we head back into town! LOL!

We also have rigged a pulley that attaches to the boom to bring up the prawn trap.  We have 300’ of leaded line attached to the prawn trap and manually pulling this up can be a lot of work!  Between the weight of the trap, line and water conditions.  This will be SO much easier.

The battery finally came in Friday afternoon and of course since it’s a new battery it’s not charged!  So we have made the decision to leave Ketchikan, Alaska and head to Prince Rupert, Canada while it’s the weekend and the battery is getting its initial 24 hour charge.

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