Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Foggy Bay, Inner Cove, Alaska Saturday, 08.10.2013

Weather permitting, this will be our last day in Alaska on this journey. 

We have spent 63 days in Alaska!  We originally planned on 2 maybe 3 weeks in Alaska but we were having such a good time we found ourselves wanting to take in one more anchorage or one more city. 

Working with the tides we pulled away from the Ketchikan dock at 7:30am AK time.  It was a beautiful morning for travel.

We did run into a small area where we had fog.  Here is a photo of the wall of fog ahead of us.

And some of the fish boats we saw fishing while we were out in the fog.

Heading south on Revillagigedo Channel to the head of Dixon Entrance is Foggy Bay.

The entrance to the inner cove is a bit tricky and requires a cautious approach.  Once inside we headed NE and looped around a small island and approached the reef on the E side and then turning S through the narrow, very shallow channel, keeping a lookout for rocks/reefs along the way.  We anchored in the harbor on the far eastern side of the bay which is well protected from all weather.

Two other boaters we met while in Ketchikan also traveled here today, Katmai and Barbie M.  There is also a Sam Devlin boat traveling this way today, when we left Ketchikan we thought Mike might anchor in Kah Shakes Cove instead of Foggy Bay. 

When we entered the bay, the S/V Mom, who we briefly met on Tuesday while in the south arm of Rudyerd Bay, was already anchored in the bay.  And so was the Sam Devlin boat!

After getting settled
we had everyone from three of the vessels on the back of the boat for appies & drinks until almost 7:30pm AK time. 

We all had a good time and laughed a lot! 


(I think Kate enjoyed herself a little too much!)

Tomorrow its off for an early start to Prince Rupert, Canada.  We anticipate leaving @ 6:30am AK time to catch the tides in our favor.

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