Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Kitsaway Anchorage, Devastation Channel 08.21.2013

Having gotten all our normal in town chores done, we left the dock

heading south down Douglas Channel where we toured Jesse Falls


then continued south on Devastation Channel and stopped at Weewanie Hot Springs again.  This time we were the only ones there.  Since we were there when it was cleaned the other day it was great!  The tub was full and nice and hot! 


Our anchorage for the night was 6 miles south off Devastation Channel at Kitsaway located between Hawksbury & Kitsaway Islands. 

Upon entering the inlet we chose a “bite” that seems nice and flat at 50’ of water.  Bruce made a larger than normal circle and set the hook with a total of 160’ of rode out.  The bottom here is soft mud with grass and shells. 

We enjoyed wonderful halibut burgers for dinner


and then rowed over to visit with the 110’ logging camp vessel, M/V Ocean Explorer I.  There were only 2 people on board, Karen, the safety officer & cook, and Luke, the engine mechanic – the rest of the crew went into Kitimat a week ago and are due back tomorrow. 

We all had such a nice time visiting that we took them up on the offer of rafting off the side of their boat and having breakfast together before we left in the morning.

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