Monday, July 22, 2013

Wrangell, Wrangell Island 07.18.2013

Wrangell is 89 miles north of Ketchikan and 148 miles south of Juneau. 

After a quiet morning in Woodpecker cove we raised anchor and motored into Wrangell where  we were able to tie up to the dock in the same spot as we did on 06/15/2013 when we were here last!  Don from Pacific Storm is across the dock from us again – it’s nice to see him.  This week the gill netters fish from Sunday noon 07/21/2013 until Thursday 07/25/2013 noon.  So the harbor is full of gill netters and seiners getting ready to fish. 

The weather has changed a little – to partly cloudy and mid-60’s.  And we expect some chances of rain.  We’re keeping our fingers crossed that the sun will be back before too long. 

After settling in we headed up to the library to use their internet and were introduced to the HS Math teacher by the librarian.  We  are trying to calculate just how much fuel our new diesel tanks hold and also how much fuel we actually have left in the tanks today.  The tanks were built to fit into the side of the boat on either side of the engine – so there are several different angles which complicates the math.  They have "sight glasses" so we can see the level of the fuel in each tank, but I'm not sure how many gallons that is.  We were thinking a high school or college student would be able to help us with the math.  We had calculated what we thought was right but wanted to confirm that our math was right.  You know how it is - - if you don’t use the math equations over time you forget them! LOL!   

The math teacher was very nice and enjoyed the challenge!  The tanks hold 125 gallons each and we had about 40 gallons of fuel left when we arrived this afternoon.  Definitely we will need more fuel to make it to Ketchikan!  

The math teacher also invited us to come out to his summer camping site to join him and his friends for a Friday night potluck.  If we can figure a way to get out there we just might take him up on the invitation

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