Monday, July 15, 2013

Back to fishing! Friday, 07.05.2013

While Lynn & I went into town to provision for our planned time away at anchor – the guys took Second Chance and went out fishing West of Sitka about 2 hours out into the ocean looking for halibut – no luck on the halibut but Bruce caught a nice sea bass which we had for dinner and Ron caught a nice ling cod which should last us four dinners! 

Funny story about Ron’s ling cod… when the guys got the ling cod close to being caught in the net, the ling cod opened its mouth and a small rock cod jumped out of its mouth still alive - - waving its tail as it swam away saying thank you for saving it’s life!!!

While bringing supplies down to the boats we ran into some friends from the West Coast Workboat Association (WWBA) Paul & Jane from M/V Pace Setter and their boating friends Dennis & Wendy from M/V Sounder.  We spent some time catching up and hope to see them out on the water!   

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