Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Wrangell, AK 07.22-07/24/2013

Originally we planned to leave Wrangell on Tuesday morning, however, Tuesday morning while working we took a break and tried to get a permit to the Anan Bear Observatory to see the bears in the river.  This is the place we stopped by on June 14th but didn’t get to see any bears as the salmon were not in the rivers yet.  Between July 5th and August 30th the US Park Service requires a permit to see the bears ($10 each).  So at promptly 8:00am AK time we were each at our computers trying to get a permit.  We were successful in getting 1 permit (no, not 2 – just 1!) for Friday 07.26.2013.  So our plans have changed and we will be staying in Wrangell until Thursday 07.25.2013.

Getting a bear permit is like having the “Golden Ticket” from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!  There are only 60 permits issued each day.  30 of these permits go to the tour/cruise operators, 18 permits are issued in advance by computer reservation, and the last 12 permits are issued 3 days in advance for last minute visitors.  You are competing for these permits with people all over the world, as well as, tour/cruise operators who have their staff sitting at their computers pretending to be private visitors!  It’s crazy competitive!

When we tried to get 2 permits we kept getting a response of try again with a smaller party – so Bruce put in for 1 permit and got one!  It was kind of a weird feeling – we should have been excited to get a permit but with only 1 permit it was kind of a let down.  So we walked up to the Park Ranger Station and tried to get a 2nd permit from Ranger Jeff – but he said – “Oh, YOU are the one who got the permit for Friday!  I was trying to get a permit myself and was unable to!!”  He explained what a really big deal it was to get even 1 permit and we could go out to the Observatory on Friday morning and hope that someone was unable to show up that morning (so that I could get in) – but that would be rare.  Anyway, that is the plan.  We will go out on Friday morning with our fingers crossed.  Worse case, Bruce will use the permit and see the bears at the waterfall and Ronnie will stay with the boat and hope to see bears on the shore.

While staying in Wrangell we were able to take in Bear Fest.  This is a town celebration of everything bear. 

We went to a few classes on photography, took in the local museum, visited totem park

and were able to go to a salmon dinner on Shakes Island and see the native dancers there.

We also got to catch-up with some of the fishermen we met last time we were in Wrangell.


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