Monday, July 15, 2013

Deep Bay to Annie’s Pocket, Baranof Island Sunday 07.07.2013

No luck on the crab trap that we set last night.  It seems that now that the commercial fish boats are out crabbing we have had less luck with our pots.

But Ron did get another fish!

We all went out in Ron’s dinghy for a ride to the end of the bay – now you can see why it’s called “Deep Bay”.

While we were near the shore in the dinghy I saw my first brown bear cub in the wild!  He was so surprised to see us he ran away before I could get a picture!

As we set the anchor last evening we were both uneasy about the hold.  By mid day today Bruce felt that with the weather (wind) picking up for the evening we should move Second Chance to a new spot not too far away up the channel called Annie’s Pocket. 

Annie’s Pocket is a small anchorage out of the traffic and current at the south end of Adams Channel and across the channel slightly north of Deep Bay.  This bay is out of the current & sheltered from the wind.

This is a small bay that really has only room for one boat.  We anchored off the beach in about 20 feet of water over a sand and shell bottom. 


This is the view off the stern of our boat out into the channel.

While we were anchored in Annie’s Pocket we could hear the humpback whales as they swam by in the channel!

Ron & Lynn stayed in Deep Bay so we’ll meet up tomorrow in Appleton Cove.

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