Saturday, June 1, 2013

Hope Island - - no, wait Fury Cove, Primrose Island!! 05.29.2013

We started the day early heading for Hope Island (Bull Harbor) at 5:30am to take full advantage of the ebbing tide as planned.  As we were approaching Hope Island traveling north in Goletas Channel an executive decision was made, via VHF radio between the three captains, to head up Browning Passage and poke our heads out to see what the weather and sea conditions were for crossing Queen Charlotte Strait today instead of tomorrow.  The water was fairly calm with a slight breeze; the next option, cross "open water" and round Cape Cation today!  We pressed on.

Although a VERY LONG DAY traveling to Fury Cove it was well worth it!  This was our longest motoring day yet – 10 hours of engine run time!  What a beautiful place!  We arrived at 5:30pm PT.

Finding Fury Cove on Primrose Island in Rivers Inlet proved to be a little harder than planned. Our charts were very accurate which really helped; Java missed the opening and was too far north; we radioed them and they came back to us at the entrance; while Contessa ended clear up the northwest side of the island and needed a pair of "pilots" to guide them to the entrance. 

As this was such a long travel day, the plan is to have a down day tomorrow and explore Primrose Island and maybe do so fishing.  Each boat is on their own for dinner and early to bed on this boat!

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