Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Clarence Strait 06.12.2013

We left north heading out of Ketchikan and the protection of Tongass Narrows after Bruce finished working in the morning.

Clarence Strait has a 15 mile wide mouth and can be subject to both SE and SE winds (NW winds also – but not as often).  You join Clarence Strait when you clear the Guard Islands at the northern end of Tongass Narrows.  The width of Clarence Strait in this section has shrunk to 5 miles.  This area can be subject to swells and chop that can roll in from the ocean.  So it is important to ascertain both the wind and the current situation in this area to be assured of a smooth crossing.  You also remember to be aware of the tide as this can have an impact as well!!

Second Chance cleared Clarence Strait like a champ! 
We anticipated anchoring in a small harbor called Meyers Chuck but when we arrived there the floating dock was full and there was not enough room left to anchor so we moved on to Vixen Harbor.


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