Wednesday, May 22, 2013

We have entered Canada and are rendezvousing with several other boats in Nanaimo, British Columbia to continue the journey north on Thursday the 23rd of May.  For today, the 22nd, it will be a time to provision the fresh fruits and vegetables that we could not bring across the boarder.

We crossed the boarder on the 20th in the afternoon and spent the night in Bedwell Harbor, South Pender Island.  It was the first opportunity to deploy our new 55lb Rocna anchor; let's just say the crew handled it like the pro she is.  In no time it was set and we rested comfortably on the back deck to take in some sun before the approaching rain storm that evening.

At the Seattle Boat Show we added some rain gear and they were put to the test Tuesday morning when lifting the anchor.

Traveling north we transitioned one of my least favorite places:  Dobbs Narrows.  We arrived about 45 minutes before slack tide but there we watched several sail boats transition through and they had no trouble, so we decided to head on through.  It was a very calm crossing.
 See our wonderful new anchor!! lol!

Once through Dodds Narrows it was another hour into Nanaimo where we are currently guests of the Nanaimo Yacht Club.  We were met down at the dock by our traveling companion and good friend Ron Campsal
Until we post again.

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