Friday, May 24, 2013

Leaving Nanaimo, BC, Canada

In Nanaimo we met up with Ron and Lynn Campsal who are friends of ours from the West Coast Work Boat Association that we both belong to and their yacht club friends Martin & Jelly.  Martin and his wife will be traveling with us all the way to Prince Rupert.  Their son Marty is joining us in Comox and will be traveling with them as well.

It took us a while to get our chores done and finally be able to leave Nanaimo and really begin our trip!

First we had to haul out the boat and change zincs.  We tried to do this in Port Townsend before leaving but the haul out schedule was full.  So we scheduled our haul out first thing on Thursday morning for 7am and we were back in the water by 7:55 am PT.  When we got to the lift there was a fish boat that had to have an emergency repair so we had to wait a short while for our turn.  Thankfully not very long.  We also took on some fuel at the Gas n Go so now we're full of diesel.

On Wednesday evening we ran into a problem with our on demand hot water tank.  We could not get the pilot light to stay on.  And there is no way that we are going to go 4 months without hot water!! 

Of course when we took the unit apart to try and fix it the orifice that is so very important and very tiny - bounced off the counter and fell in between the hull and the wall that is in the bathroom and right down into the bilge! OMG!  So now we have two problems!

So we called around in Nanaimo and found a parts shop that when we explained what our issue was, and that we were trying to catch up with our friends who had already left Nanaimo, he agreed he would "look" at it.  So we dismantled the hot water unit and walked 30 minutes to the parts shop for what we thought was going to be a repair.  What it really turned out to be was the gentlemen looked at the unit and said - "I can't get you in my schedule to repair this unit until next week on Tuesday or Wednesday!!"  Well this just wasn't going to work!  At that rate we will be traveling to AK on our own!  So we purchased the orifice to replace the one that we lost in the bilge and hoped to find a repair place along the way.

In calling around Vancouver, Nanaimo, Campbell River and talking with many Bosch water heater repair shops, we decided that we would press on to meet up with the rest of our traveling companions in Comox and hopefully get the unit up to Campbell River on Friday morning for another repair shop to take a look.  When we got to Comox and met up with the others, we found out that Martin's son Marty knows people! and is a very handy guy to have with us!  And a nice guy besides!!

So Friday morning the guys put their heads together and I believe they have fixed the unit!  Thank goodness for hot water!

We fueled up and finally got out of Nanaimo around 11:30 am and finally made it to Comox on Vancouver Island at 6:00 pm PT.  A very long day of travel.

We tied up at the Comox Harbor Authority commercial fishing dock.  This is a very nice marina and we will have to come back here again and spend more time.  Very clean and the people here treated us very well.  And since I always enjoying seeing the various fish boats this was great for me!

Our friends Ron and Lynn Campsal stopped on their way up at one of the islands and picked up about 40 oysters so we were able to have fresh barbecued oysters for dinner.  Even Bruce ate some!  Yum!

This morning we got up to take a walk through the lovely town.  Look how wonderful the marina is with the sun shining on the harbor - what a great start to our journey!!

Today, Friday, we will be going through Seymor Narrows at slack time, which is later this evening around 6 pm PT so we are leaving Comox around 12 noon.  The goal this evening is to reach Otter Bay by 9:00 PM and set the hook. Should be the last "long" day of travel for awhile.

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