Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Otter Cove, BC 05/24/2013

We waited on the tides to cross Seymour Narrows on the 18:07 slack so we were able to spend a leisurely morning around the dock visiting during breakfast.

Pulled away from the dock around 12:30pm and hit the Narrows right at slack which was at about pm. 6:07 PM. We ran into several commercial vessels in the Narrows which made for a few anxious moments for the Captain but he handled it all well!  We had a cruise ship going south through the Narrows while we were heading north and two separate tugs pulling barges through the Narrows behind us, along with Ron & Lynn's sailboat "Contessa" and Martin & Jelly's converted fish boat "Java".

On the journey north off the island there are two spots that made us extra nervous, here, and then the crossing around Cape Caution (must be named that for a reason).  The currents in Seymour can reach 14 knots causing whir pools like a toilet flushing and sending your boat off towards the shore before you even know what happened.

Cape Caution is an open stretch of water at the north end of Vancouver Island we need to cross to reach the west coast of British Columbia and the "inner passage" in order to proceed north to Alaska

 About an hour and a half later we anchored in Otter Cove and held a "Captain's Meeting" on M/V Java planning the next days travel.

 And finished the day with a wonderful sunset over "Contessa"!

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