Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Mound Island, BC 05/25 & 05/26/2013

We stuck our toes into the Broughtons for a couple of days.  This is a nice anchorage to rest after a long two days motoring.

Crossing Johnstone Straits was no fun!  There were an excessive amount of logs, trees, and whirpools, when combined together cause what Bruce is calling "Show Stopper" events.  This is when damage to Second Chance would cause the need for major repairs or loss of the boat and we would be unable to continue our journey.

Arriving in our achorage at the end of the day we all agreed it was well worth it, and the decision to take a much needed "rest" day was surely welcomed!

Once we arrived at Mound Island, Marty (Martin & Jelly's son) from M/V Java and Bruce went in Marty's fishing boat, which Java has been towing, to fish for cod to use as bait for our crap traps.  The boys had a great time fishing - they were able to catch 3 cod in just a matter of a few minutes!!

So then it was onto getting the crab pots out and ready to set!

After a few hours of soaking the boys went out to check the pots and came back with lots of crab!  Then the debate on the best way to prepare the crab began.  Should we cook them whole immediately or crack them and put them on ice and cook them just prior to eating them?  We decided the crab should be cleaned, cracked, and cooked first so young Marty gave the lesson in how to crack crab efficiently.  LOL!

By the time the day was done we had a big bowl of crab and a few snappers and cod for dinner!  What a feast!

On our down day we had time to relax and enjoy the sunshine and company.

The guys spent several hours fishing and exploring and the gals spent the day relaxing and enjoying the sun out on the decks of the boats.  We had rafted the boats together so we had a wonderful time visiting from boat to boat!

And of course, more crabbing!!

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