Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Nettle Basin, Lowe Inlet 06.03.2013

We left for the next leg early proceeding north past Butedale up Fraser Reach through McKay Reach across Wright Sound then into Grenville Channel.  Long day of motoring but a fabulous anchorage at the base of Verney Falls. 


At Butedale there is a great water fall.  And with the morning sun shining on the small cannery it was so pretty.  On the way back down it would be nice to stop here and walk around.


 We arrived early in Lowe Inlet into Nettle Basin and decided to set the anchor at the base of Verney Falls.



 One of the many marine guide books we have been using is “How to Cruise to Alaska Without Rocking the Boat Too Much” by Walt Woodward.  Mr. Woodward suggested something a little “different” in anchoring at Verney Falls.  So we decided to give it a try:

“Steer slowly right for the falls with your depthfinder on and a member of the crew (Ronnie) up on the bow, ready to release the anchor at the captain’s (Bruce) “command” [Bruce LOVES this book!! lol!].  Keep coming for the falls, staying in the river’s stream, until the depthfinder tells you that there are about three or four fathoms (18’ to 24’) under your keel.  Have the crew let go of the anchor while you take the boat out of gear.  “Order” enough scope for a three-to-one ratio.  The anchor will grab and the river’s stream will set it for you.  And, for as long as you wish, your boat will stay there with its bow pointed at the falls….  You won’t move an inch.”

We gave this a try and it was actually as easy as Mr. Woodward said! And it was a wonderful set on the anchor!

When we pulled up to the falls there was a sailboat already anchored to the side of the falls.  A 26’ sailboat named “Genesis”.  Her captain is Alan who is a professional photographer who is sailing up to Alaska for the first time.



As we arrived at the falls early in the afternoon we were able to invite Alan and Ron & Lynn over to our boat and enjoy a nice sunny afternoon on the back deck.  We had some warm crab dip and enjoyed the company.

We were also able to take Ron & Lynn’s dinghy, which has a motor, and ride up into the base of the falls!


We have read the when the salmon are running at Verney Falls you can watch bears feeding at the falls!  We were really hoping to see at least one bear but no luck so early in the season.  Maybe we’ll be able to stop back here on the south bound trip to see the bears.

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