Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Ketchikan, ALASKA!!! Sunday, 06.09.2013

Crossed Dixon Entrance without a hitch this morning.  We traveled from Dundas Island up Revillagigedo Channel and then transitioned Tongass Narrows into Ketchikan.  We’re now back in the US!  And we have made it to Alaska!!  Here is a picture of our first view of Alaska.


We are staying in the Bar Harbor Marina North.  Ketchikan has three marinas – all very different and catering to different needs of the transient boaters.

The City of Ketchikan’s Port & Harbors department manages the waterfront.  When a local boat goes out to sea, the harbor notes their slip as vacant and fills it with a transient boat.  This usually works pretty well unless the returning tenant comes back and the transient boat needs to be moved.  We hear that this can sometimes happens when the transient boater is away from their boat so the harbormaster will move the boat while you are gone.  So you may come back from your trip to town and find that your boat is now moored in a different harbor altogether!  We certainly hope this does not happen to us!!

Once we tied up both boats for the evening, we walked a short distance towards town and found a Mexican restaurant for dinner.  It was like old home week at the restaurant as out on the deck we found Stan, from True Love, & the gentlemen he was meeting in Ketchikan, and across from us inside the restaurant we found Paul & Carol, from Raven’s Way, and Scott, from Stormy!  So we all had a good visit and really enjoyed our meal.

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