Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Le Conte Glacier 06.17.2013

Just 25 miles SE of Petersburg is Le Conte Glacier, the southernmost active tidewater glacier in North America, and is located on the mainland on the Horn Cliffs side of Frederick Sound. 

We made the decision to visit the glacier but decided to hire a local guide rather than take Second Chance.  So we stopped into the local travel agent and were able to hire Captain Scott Hursey from the M/V Pelican.  His guide service company is called Alaska Passages Adventures.  We STRONGLY suggest that if you want a guide in the Petersburg area call Scott!!  He was FANTASTIC and certainly knew his way around the Le Conte Glacier!!

This trip was amazing – I don’t have the words to describe the beauty of this glacier.  Hopefully you will get a small glimpse of how truly awesome this really was. 

We left the dock in Petersburg at 12 noon and returned around 6pm. 

First I’m going to show you one of the video’s we took of the glacier calving.  Calving is when some of the glacier breaks off from the main mass.

I culled these photos from the 200+ pictures and 6 videos that we took at the glacier.  I really hope you enjoy!

Our first glimpse of icebergs or "growlers" from the glacier:


More photos.....



1 comment:

  1. I am so happy that you are sharing your experiences...these are fabulous shots and the video, well, what can I say...too cool for words! Thank you for taking your vacation time to share with us landlubbers. But not for long, we are headed to the San Juans on Sunday!
