Monday, September 30, 2013

WWBA Fall Rendezvous, Ganges. Day 2: Saturday, 09.21.2013

This day of the rendezvous is spent visiting and having the boats open to the public for touring from 1-4pm.  It’s always fun to see the new boats to the group or seeing the changes that have been done to the old boats over the summer.  And having the public view the boats is always a lot of fun.  We have met a lot of really nice people this way.

This year Terry asked me to help him with selling the groups apparel.  Jon from Penelope Isle let us set up shop on his back deck which now has a cabin roughly framed in which will keep us out of the weather if it starts to rain. 

Terry took over the apparel when MaryAnn decided to retire from doing it.  We were able to inventory all the merchandise and get everything organized and a system in place for keeping track of what we have and even set it up for easy storage.  This won’t be so bad!

4:00pm is typically the WWBA General Meeting and then a group pot luck at 6:00pm on the docks.  There is always SO MUCH food!  Unbelievable!

The last few years we have had a small band set up on the dock to play for us between the meeting time and the pot luck.  As luck would have it this year they set up right at the stern to our boat!  They were really quite good.

With the weather outlook marginal we found that not as many vessels showed up as usual for this year’s event.  I think we only had 46 boats where we usually have between 55-70 boats.

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