Monday, July 22, 2013

Wrangell, Alaska Monday 07.22.2013

Over the weekend we caught up with the usual items you take care of while in port, laundry, groceries, "house cleaning" (that doesn't take very long on the boat). 

While in Petersburg Bruce went to an boat electronics store and found a "heading sensor" for the Furuno VX2 system that we have, the PG-500 model sensor and was able to purchases it at a fair discount.  He spent time installing the unit then we went out in the bay and circled the boat three times in "2 minutes circles" to calibrate it.  Lo and behold it worked!  Now we can overlay the radar onto the chart plotter rather than have them as two separate pages side by side on the screen and the magnetic heading of the boat will always show in the upper right hand corner of the page.  Pretty cool!! (from the captains point of view).

We visited the local Clan Long House on Shake Island, a beautiful building just dedicated a few years ago.




Our plans are to leave tomorrow and continue south to Ketchikan, weather permitting arriving next Sunday evening.  The next blog update will be approximately a week away. 

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