Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Check list prior to leaving the dock!

So the next thing in our planning is to make a list of all the pressing things we need to do with/to the boat before we leave the dock.

Here is some of the items on the never ending list:
  • replace water pump
  • reserve starter - convert to 12 volt
  • certify fire extenquesers (4)
  • paint fuel tanks
  • change disel stove fuel line
  • fix reserve tank overflow on engine
  • remove propane pressure line & fix regulator
  • order water filters for pilot house sink & water hose
  • check ground tacke (anchor line)
  • schedule engine alinement
  • move battery charger from engine room to cabin
  • paint touchup on hull
  • varnish cap rails
  • fill in holes in pilot house cieling and paint white
  • window screens (including door to cabin and pilot house door)
  • inventory supplies
  • replenish supplies in first aid kit
  • awning - make frame
  • stairs to cabin?
  • anchor brake
Since we've been working on this list (mostly Bruce), we have actually accomplished alot!  I have marked off what we have already done!!

I keep telling Bruce that we are going to have to tow a second boat to carry all of the extra supplies he's been buying!  And he has purchased a new anchor that is so heavy we now have to install an anchor brake!

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